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Canary Wharf’s DeLIGHTful Winter Lights

Canary Wharf’s DeLIGHTful Winter Lights

After Christmas and New Year, the next thing I always look forward to is the deLIGHTful Canary Wharf Winter Lights display!

January saw the return of the award-winning displays for the sixth year. This year was the busiest it’s ever been, with thousands of people going to see the 25 dazzling installations.

My favourite was the ‘Affinity’ light sculpture in Montgomery Square by Australian-based Amigo & Amigo and S1T2. The installation was made up of 120 interconnected globes which was inspired by the connectivity of the human brain. I added a personal twist to my photos!

The interactive ‘Mountain of Light’ monolithic display by New Zealand-based Angus Muir Design was controlled by visitors so gave people a great opportunity to create 360-degree patterns and effects.  

Cabot Square’s ‘Liquid Sound’ musical fountain show by Entertainment Effects UK returned for another year and did not fail to amaze. I used the opportunity to take a glass ball shot to show the flow of the water from a different perspective.

The sparkling forest of trees and 3D projection of 100 circles of red light were also wonderful!  

The Canary Wharf team always do a fantastic job in organising the Winter Lights and publish a very useful brochure on their website which lists all the displays, with descriptions, pictures and locations so it’s always a good idea to go through this before you visit to make the most of your evening!

Countdown to next year’s display begins…

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Hey! I'm Rakhee, a travel blogger and content creator, based in London. I’ve travelled to 50 countries and over 90 cities, and counting – I hope you can join me on these incredible journeys as I share my tips with you on how to make the most out of your travels!
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